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How to order CA Foundation Books



To order CA Foundation books from the ICAI BOS (Board of Studies) website, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Process to Order Books from ICAI BOS Website:

      1. Visit the ICAI Website:
            • Go to the official website of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI): www.icai.org

        1. Login/Register on the ICAI Portal:
              • If you are already a registered member, log in using your Student Login credentials (registration number and password).

              • If you do not have an account yet, you may need to create one by selecting the “Student Login” or “Register” option and filling in the required details (like your CA registration number, email, etc.).

          1. Navigate to the “E-Books” or “Study Material” Section:
                • Once you are logged in, look for the “BOS” (Board of Studies) tab or “Students” section on the website.

                • Here, you should find links to “Study Material”, “ICAI E-books”, or “Online Store”.

            1. Select the CA Foundation Course:
                  • In the Study Material or E-books section, select “CA Foundation” from the available options (you may also find options for CA Intermediate or CA Final).

                  • Choose the appropriate subject for which you need the books. You will typically find books for all four subjects:
                        • Principles and Practices of Accounting (PPA)

                        • Business Laws and Business Correspondence and Reporting (BLBCR)

                        • Business Mathematics and Logical Reasoning and Statistics (BMLR)

                        • Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge (EBCBK)

                1. Download or Order Hard Copies:
                      • For Free Download: ICAI often provides soft copies of the study material (PDF format) that can be downloaded for free. You will be able to find these under the “Download” section for each subject.

                      • For Hard Copies: If you prefer printed books, you can check if ICAI offers hard copies for purchase directly from their website. They may also have links to authorized bookstores or partners who sell physical copies.

                  1. Proceed to Payment (If Applicable):
                        • If you are ordering hard copies, you will be prompted to proceed to payment after selecting your books.

                        • Choose your preferred payment method (credit/debit card, net banking, etc.) to complete the transaction.

                    1. Confirmation and Delivery:
                          • After payment, you will receive an order confirmation and details regarding the delivery of your physical books.

                          • Typically, ICAI will dispatch the books to the address you provide during the checkout process.

                    Direct Link for ICAI Study Material:

                    For the most updated study material and to check if the books are available for purchase directly from ICAI, visit the following page:


                          • ICAI study material is comprehensive and aligned with the syllabus, so it is highly recommended for all CA aspirants.

                          • The study material provided by ICAI is available for free download, but if you want printed versions, check for availability in the ICAI Online Store or through their recommended suppliers.

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